When you get ready to sell your home, every inch of it needs to be neat and tidy. That even goes for your garage.
A lot of home sellers tend to neglect the garage when getting their home ready for sale. That’s a mistake, and we are here today to explain why.
Let’s look at things from the buyer’s perspective. They know what they want in a home, so they look at homes they like. On the inside, they could check off all the boxes on their list. However, if they come and see a dirty garage, it might immediately turn them off.
Just like the inside of your home, you want your garage to be clean and appear as nice as possible. A messy garage often raises questions for buyers. You need to have everything neat and organized so it shows off your storage space, as well as the car space that the garage has.
A tidy garage will help you get top dollar.
Another reason to tidy your garage is due to the inspection. If you are fortunate enough to get an offer on your home with a messy garage, you will then have to get past the inspector. When inspectors see cluttered garages, they tend to think you are trying to hide something.
The third thing that having a clean garage will do is help you maximize the price you get for your home. A tidy garage will also prevent you from scaring buyers away, which will, in turn, help you sell quicker.
If you have any questions for us about how to go about tidying your garage or anything else real estate-related, give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you.